Title : Kyoukai No Kanata The Movie 1 – 2 (Kako-Hen + Mirai-Hen)
The Movie 1 : Kako-Hen
The Story takes us into the daily life an immortal schoolboy Akihito Kanbara, half-human half-yomu. (creature of the the shadows)
One day, Akihito becomes infatuated with Mirai Kuriyama, an inexperienced hunter yomu, which has the unique ability to manipilate the blood. While the dark past Mirai catches up gradually, the true nature of Akihito also proves…
The Movie 2 : Mitai-Hen
The second part of a two part movie. The story takes place one year after the TV series.
The dark fantasy a high school sophomore named Akihito Kanbara. Although the boy appears human, he is half youmu and invulnerable to wounds because he can heal quickly. One day, Akihito meets freshman Mirai Kuriyama when it seems she is about to jump from the school rooftop. Mirai is isolated because of her ability to manipulate blood, which is unique even among members of the spirit world. Disturbing events begin to unfold after Akihito saves Mirai
Number of Episode : 2 Movie
Number of Disc : 2 With 2 Box Set
Language : Japanese
Subtitle : English / Chinese
Condition : NEW, Original & Licensed Item
Region Code : All Region/Region FREE “0”
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