Title : Hyouka Complete TV Series + OVA + Live Action Movie
Hyouka Vol. 1 – 22 End + OVA (English Dubbed)
Hotaro Oreki doesn’t like to do things that he considers a waste of energy. However, things start to change when he enters high school because even though he does not want to join any non-compulsory school activities, his older sister requested him to join the deserted Classics Club so that it won’t get demolished.
Hyouka Live Action Movie
Hotaro Oreki (Kento Yamazaki) is a freshman in high school. He decides to join the Classic Literature Club following his older sister’s recommendation. There, Hotaro Oreki meets Eru Chitanda (Alice Hirose). They come across a Hyouka anthology which was published 33 years ago. Hotaro Oreki and Eru Chitanda begin to reveal the truth related to the Hyouka anthology, their school and school festival.
Number of Episode : 1 – 22 End + OVA + Live Action Movie
Number of Disc : 3
Language : TV Series + OVA : Japanese / English (Live Action Movie : Japanese)
Subtitle : Japanese / English
Condition : NEW, Original & Licensed Item
Region Code : All Region/Region FREE “0”
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