For the first time in the Detective Conan movie history, the story will be set overseas in Singapore. Conan will meet his rival Kaito Kid as they hunt after Blue Sapphire, the largest gem stone of the world, which is said to have sunk to the bottom of the ocean in the late 19th century. Both of them also get entangled in a murder case at Marina Bay Sands and a giant Singapore conspiracy. Haido High karate club captian Makoto Kyogoku will also make an appearance in this movie as one of the main characters. This will be Kyogoku’s first appearance in a Detective Conan movie. Along with Conan, who was practically whisked away to Singapore by kid, Kyogyoku will stand in-between Kid and his target. Let’s follow the battle of Conan, Kid, and Kyogoku!
Number of Episode : Movie
Number of Disc : 1
Language : Japanese
Subtitle : English / Chinese
Condition : NEW, Original & Licensed Item
Region Code : All Region/Region FREE “0”
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