Title : Deca-Dence Complete TV Series *English Dubbed*
Many years have passed since humanity was driven to the brink of extinction by the sudden emergence of the unknown life forms Gadoll. Those humans that survived now dwell in a 3000m-high mobile fortress Deca-dence built to protect themselves from the Gadoll threat. Denizens of Deca-dence fall into two categories: Gears, warriors who fight the Gadoll daily, and Tankers, those without the skills to fight. One day, Natsume, a Tanker girl who deams of becoming Gear meets surly Kaburagi, an armor…
Number of Episode : 1 – 12 End
Number of Disc : 1
Language : Japanese / English
Subtitle : Japanese / English
Condition : NEW, Original & Licensed Item
Region Code : All Region/Region FREE “0”
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