Title : Dakaretai Otoko 1-i ni Odosarete Imasu Episode 1 – 13 End
Saijou Takato’s five year reign as the “Most Huggable No. 1” has been snatched. Stealing his thunder is the newbie actor with a three-year debut, Azumaya! Toward the stuffy hostile Takato, Azumaya’s sincere sparkling smile starts to become effective. Even as Takato sets his alert level on MAX, Azumaya catches Takato in his shameful drunken state and uses it to blackmail him! In exchange for Azumaya’s silence, Azumaya states, “Please let me hold you…?! Embrace me, who was the Most Huggable No.1?” What the heck is he saying?! This series also includes a large quantity of other high suspense erotic stories.
Number of Episode : 1 – 13 End
Number of Disc : 1
Language : Japanese
Subtitle : English / Chinese
Condition : NEW, Original & Licensed Item
Region Code : All Region/Region FREE “0”
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