“Baby-faced Beauty” is a romantic-comedy centered around a 34-year-old woman with a babyface as she works to become a fashion designer and overcomes obstacles like having only having a high school diploma and a bad credit history.
Choi Jin-Wook (Daniel Choi) is the heir of the famous Jokbal restaurant with millions of dollars in annual revenue. But, Choi Jin-Wook goes against his father and leaves his parents’ house. Choi Jin-Wook starts to work at another company to accomplish his dream. Against his will, Choi Jin-Wook starts work in the fashion department. With his sweet character he survives there and meets Lee So-Young Lee So-Young (Jang Na-Ra)
Title Name : Babyfaced Beauty 童顏美女(2011) Vol.1-20 End
No of Disc : 4 Disc
Version : Korean / Mandarin
Subtitles : English / Chinese
Format : DVD / ALL Region
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